Prevalence of Plantar fasciitis in academic physical therapists of KMU affiliated Institutes and clinical physical therapists in tertiary care hospitals: A cross sectional study
Plantar fasciitis, Prevalence, Academic physical therapists , clinical physical therapistsAbstract
Background: Plantar fasciitis is the most common cause of heel pain affecting both academic and clinical physical therapists. Risk factors for developing PF are; prolong standing, BMI >40, age, gender and inappropriate footwear. Its symptoms particularly aggravates in the morning while taking few steps. In general, PF is a self-limiting condition because of it resolves quickly.
Aims: The aim of this study is to find the prevalence of plantar fasciitis and its association in academic and clinical physical therapists.
Methods: This was cross sectional study to explore association of plantar fasciitis between academic and clinical physical therapists. 197 physical therapists were examined for plantar fasciitis by PFPS tool for plantar fasciitis pain. Plantar fasciitis Pain Scale questionnaire was filled by physical therapists for checking plantar fasciitis pain in physical therapists.
Results: Individuals of mean age 25-28 were more prone to develop plantar fasciitis. Out of 197, 102 (53%) females and 92 (47%) males were likely to develop plantar fasciitis.28.9% of people with plantar fasciitis felt pain at the bottom of the heel. According to our study; regarding the relation between academic PT's, clinical PT's and VAS, data was gathered from PT's in the institutes and hospitals. The results were analyzed using chi-square test. The results of chi-square test revealed that there is a strong positive correlation (p <0.05) between two variables (p = 0.00). When academic and clinical PT's were associated with VAS, for both the percentage of moderate pain was 58.9% as they are more exposed to weight bearing so, there are more chances of plantar fasciitis development.
Conclusion: Plantar fasciitis was mostly found among clinical physical therapists commonly affecting bottom sole area of the foot. Plantar fasciitis was positively associated with age, gender; however, PFPS was not associated with it.
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