About the Journal

National Journal of Life and Health Sciences (NJLHS) is an open access, peer-reviewed, online, multi-disciplinary biological and medical journal that considers and publishes scientific research articles on all aspects of the related to biological and health sciences.

Journal title: National Journal of Life and Health Sciences 

Abbreviated: National J Life Health Sci

International Standard Serial Number (ISSN):

ISSN (Online): 3006-5852

ISSN (Print): 3006-5844

CrossRef/DOI Prefix: 10.62746

Licensing Information: The National Journal of Life and Health Sciences (NJLHS) is an open access journal and follows "CC BY NC creative commons" licensing https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/.

All authors/users can download, read, copy, print and search materials/contents freely without prior permission of author, editor, or publisher.

Publication Timelines

Bi-annually (biological, life sciences, medical, public health) journal.

Processing /Publication Fee

No processing or submission charges

Article publication charges Rs. 10,000/-

No other charges for authors

Noted: No wavier policy

Bank Account Details

Bank: United Bank Limited

Branch Code: 1262

Account Title: National Journal Of Life And H

Account Number: 311 437 418


Indexing & Abstracting Information

International Standard Serial Number (ISSN)


Registered with Health Care Commission (HCC) Khyber Pakhtunkhwa

Covered by Google Scholar

Index Medicus for the Eastern Mediterranean Region (IMEMR)

Index Medicus Journals Directory (IMJD)

Institutional Digital Repository (IDR)

Virtual Health Sciences Library (VHSL)

Pakistani Medical Journals on the Internet (PakMediNet)

Research Bib

Directory of Research Journal Indexing (DRJI)


Reviewer Credits

Scientific Literature (Scilit)

International Scientific Indexing (ISI)

Scientific Indexing Service (SIS)

Index Copernicus International (ICI)

Asian Science Citation Index (ASCI)

Eurasian Scientific Journal Index (ESJI)

Scientific Journal Impact Factor (SJIF)


IP Indexing Portal