Forward Head Posture and its association with Tension Type Headache among the bankers of Hayatabad Peshawar: A cross sectional study


  • Hafiz Yaseen Khan Senior Lecturer/Coordinator, Doctor of Physical Therapy Department, Mahboob Medical Institute, Khyber Medical University Author
  • Areej Tahir Doctor of Physical Therapy Department, Mahboob Medical Institute, Khyber Medical University, Peshawar (25000) Author
  • Gul Andam Doctor of Physical Therapy Department, Mahboob Medical Institute, Khyber Medical University, Peshawar (25000) Author
  • Naima Huma Doctor of Physical Therapy Department, Mahboob Medical Institute, Khyber Medical University, Peshawar (25000) Author
  • Zeeshan Saleem Doctor of Physical Therapy Department, Mahboob Medical Institute, Khyber Medical University, Peshawar (25000) Author



Forward Head Posture, Tension Type Headache, headache, desktop users, web plot digitizer


Background: Forward Head Posture is termed as the abnormal forward positioning of the head in relation to shoulder. (1) Out of all postural abnormalities, FHP is one of the most ordinary type (2). In such a condition, abnormal postural alignment occurs showing increased extension of upper cervical region while in lower cervical and upper thoracic region increased flexion can be seen. (4)

Aims: The aim of this study is to evaluate the prevalence of Forward Head Posture and its association with Tension Type Headache among the Bankers of Hayatabad, Peshawar.

Methods: It was a cross-sectional study in order to find association of Forward Head Posture with Tension Type Headache. 89 bankers were examined using photogrammetry method and Web plot digitizer online software for plotting the craniovertebral angle on digital image. A symptomatic questionnaire was also used for the assessment of Tension Type Headache.

 Results: Most of the participants had 92.1% Forward Head Posture. Majority rate i.e 12.4% had an age limit of about 26 years and also the mean age was about 34.4. Mean score of Tension Type Headache was 21.3%. Chi square test was done which showed no association of Forward Head Posture with Tension Type Headache.

Conclusion: It was concluded from the study that Forward Head Posture is quite common among the bankers but there is no association of Forward Head Posture with Tension Type Headache.


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